Sunday, November 26, 2006

Computer Glossary (E-F)


EBCDIC - A code system for turning letters, numbers and symbols into digital data. Used on main frames.
Edit - Make changes in a document
EGA - Extended Graphics Adapter, an old video type with maximum 640 x 350 resolution
Email - Electronic mail - sending messages over a network or internet connection
End user - Person who actually uses hardware or software
Executable - A file that runs a program
Expansion card - Card that plugs into a slot on the motherboard. Also called controller card, adapter card, interface card, expansion board.
External device - Plugs into the back of a computer


Female connector - Cable connection with holes to match pins on the matching connector
Fiber optic line - Made of glass fiber for transmitting data
Field (database) - A single item that is part of a record in a database
File - Something saved on the computer - a document or program
Flat database - A database composes of records that have fields. Each record must contain all the information you want about that record
File (database) - A collection of related records
File transfer - moving a file from one computer to another
File server - A server that returns a file to the requesting computer for processing there
File management - Program to help you create, move, rename, delete etc. files
File name - Has two parts: FILENAME and EXTENSION in the form filename.ext
File type - File name's extension identifies the type of file - doc, jpg, html, exe, and so forth
Flow chart - A visual representation of the flow of logic in a computer program
Folder - A grouping of files
Folder tree - Hierarchy of folders
Font - Combo of typeface & point size, includes styles such as BOLD, italics, underline
Footer - The bottom part of a page that is repeated on every page of the document
Footprint - Amount of physical space something uses
Foreground task - A task of high priority. Will be given more time slices.
Format (disk) - Sets up a method of assigning addresses to the different areas of a storage medium. It also sets up an area for keeping the list of addresses.
Format (document) - Arranging the look of the document by selecting the typeface, font size, text color, spacing of lines and words, etc.
Formula - An equation used to calculate values like for interest or mortgage payments
FORTRAN -Formula Translation. Created around 1957 to help scientists, engineers, and mathematicians write software for mathematical models of complex events, like nuclear blasts and space flight.
Freeware - Program that is given away for free
Friction feed - Uses pressure to pull single sheets through a printer
FTP - File Transfer Protocol. A protocol for moving files between computers.
Full path name - Lists the route to a file starting with the drive name and naming all the folders/directories, like c:\my documents\wanpiece\computer.doc

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